Current job openings are listed here.

Job Openings

Position Free course(sales)
Salary Sales(free course, university graduate): \276,000 (April 2024.)
(Includes housing allowance \26,000, 10-hour sales allowance \17,700,
20-hour overtime allowance \35,300)
*Overtime in excess of 20 hours paid as per salary regulations.
Other Allowances Housing, family, city, urban housing, overtime work, and commuting allowance are provided.
Raise Once a year (April)
Bonus Paid biannually (July and December)
Location Fukuoka headquarters or one of the branch offices
Hours 9:00-17:30
Holidays Annual holidays: 121
Complete five-day working week (off Saturdays[turns workday until 4pm when the week has more than one holiday] and Sundays). Others include national holidays, paid vacations, summer and new year/end of the year holidays, and special vacations.
Insurance Health/Welfare pension/Worker’s compensation/Employment insurances
Retirement fund; Worker’s property accumulation savings; Stock option; Company housing; and Club activities
Applicants may have degrees in any majors or departments
Employees’ Alma Maters Kyushu University, Yokohama National University, Yamaguchi University, Ehime University, Kitakyushu University, Saga University, Nagasaki University, Kagoshima University, Shimonoseki City University, University of Nagasaki, Ritsumeikan University, Seinan Gakuin University, Fukuoka University, Kyushu Sangyo University, etc.
Required Documents Personal profile/resume (with a recent photograph), official transcript, graduate certificate, physical examination record.

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